OUr team

who we are

The World of Base Academy

Base Academy is a network of international expert trainers in change, leadership and reputation management. Anja Verheij-Köllmann and Saskia Dejonghe are the two founding partners. One from Amsterdam and one from Brussels: we bring a potent mix of nationalities, personalities and experience. We share a passion for people and a drive to help you make a positive difference. We build lasting relationships based on collaboration, co-creation, fun and hard work. It’s our mission to achieve the best outcomes and growth for you by making wisdom shareable.
Base Academy helps you and your organization creating impact, by experience-based training programs. Whether you are a board-member, an executive, a team-leader, or a starting manager. Our focus is on growing your leadership, finding your authentic story, and creating trusted and connecting teams. 
Anja Verheij-Köllmann & Saskia Dejonghe


We hear you and see you.

We bring a personal approach, energy, and a sense of humor. 

We deliver tailor-made programs fitting your desire and demand. 


We grow people with our exercises and interventions. 

We believe you learn best by falling and failing and…

We always create a safe atmosphere for you to practice, try and learn.


We set you in motion with our applicable theory and sticky models.

We learn ourselves from great thinkers around the world, every day.

We share their wisdom and our 20+ years of experience.

our philosophy

We believe in

We develop leaders that create value
by valuing people.
We believe in your potential to
transform teams and organisations,
as you seek connection and co-creation
to grow yourself, your people
and your business.

our method

We give every skill drill or program its unique STAMP: 






Share Wisdom. We share knowledge collected from many great thinkers, scientists and leaders across the world.

Tailor-made. All of our programs are tailor-made to your purpose. We train using real-life examples.

Action. Capture your learning in experiential situations and simulations, grow from feedback and create a personal action plan.

Models. That are easy to use and apply in your daily business and that help you on your growth journey. They’re always based on the latest scientific and industry insights, events and developments. 

Play. Experiential freedom and environments for you to play, try out, fail greatly and improve rapidly. 

our philosophy

We believe in

We develop leaders that create value
by valuing people.
We believe in your potential to
transform teams and organisations,
as you seek connection and co-creation
to grow yourself, your people
and your business.

our method

We give every skill drill or program its unique STAMP: 






Share Wisdom. We share knowledge collected from many great thinkers, scientists and leaders across the world.

Tailor-made. All of our programs are tailor-made to your purpose. We train using real-life examples.

Action. Capture your learning in experiential situations and simulations, grow from feedback and create a personal action plan.

Models. That are easy to use and apply in your daily business and that help you on your growth journey. They’re always based on the latest scientific and industry insights, events and developments. 

Play. Experiential freedom and environments for you to play, try out, fail greatly and improve rapidly.