who we are


Base Academy helps leaders unlock their true potential by taking them to the edge and beyond.

Finding your inner strengths often needs a helping hand, a gentle nudge, a scary stab, an actual risk of falling – and a safety net. That’s why we won’t go through the motions, but will actually push your leaders into truly improving their leadership skills – delivering a gripping story, managing the press, dealing with a difficult team member, keeping people involved in a hybrid working enviroment, or having the entire team move in the right direction.

For this, we will immerse your leaders in the full experience, while our safe learning environment will help them with a fundamental understanding of their strengths before they apply their learnings in the adventurous outdoors that is their everyday work.

No pain, no gain

Our journeys of personal development will take your leaders to where it’s hard to get a grip and where their fingers will bleed in their attempts to hold on. Once there, we will dive below the gripless surface to discover everyone’s true self, by combining experimental exercises with easy-to-apply techniques and tools tailored to each person’s unique challenges and opportunities. It’s a cliché but that’s why it’s true – no pain, no gain.

Much of this journey is about losing everything without losing yourself. But when your leaders do shed all the excess weight, they will find uncharted routes to personal growth and true leadership, well above base camp.

Our safety is in our sense of humor

We will take your leaders where the going gets tough, but we will be by their side every inch of the way – whenever they fall and when they get back up. Our safety net is our sense of humour. Practicing leadership skills can be as hard as they are liberating, and once that sense of liberation has taken a foothold, unrestrained outbursts of laughter will help in cementing those newly acquired skills.

So you will always be hooked up in the safe knowledge that we have you covered. We may discover your leaders’ true strengths in places where it hurts, but we will make it stick with the emotion of joy.

We put people first

True leadership is all about making diverse groups of people click to collaborate while each extracts their ultimate potential – it’s people first, instead of systems first. In Base Academy, people always take center stage, as we believe in the beauty of mankind and people’s ambition to go for glory. That’s why we endeavor to plant that flag up on the summit while gasping for breath. We all have different mountains to climb – giving that presentation to a critical crowd, sharing the right feedback with team members, making them feel emotionally safe – but even though the air is thin, doesn’t victory feel great?

Yes, a machine could fly there. But even the process of building such a machine is a steep uphill climb filled with failed experiments, temporary retreats and, on occasion, bitter defeat. Ultimately, it’s up to us, as humans, to lead the way and simply try again with the lessons we have learned. Our base camp is here for you, and together we will move up to the next level.

our philosophy and method

We believe in
We develop leaders that create value
by valuing people.
We believe in your potential to
transform teams and organisations,
as you seek connection and co-creation
to grow yourself, your people
and your business.

To help you tap into your growth, we have a unique S.T.A.M.P. method that we apply to all of our high-quality trainings:

Bring our wisdom into your organization

Consultancy and interim assignments

Next to Base Academy, we are consultants in the expertise areas of communication, reputation management and transformation and change.

How it works. Collaboration is in our DNA. We immerse ourselves in your world and become part of your team so we can develop communications that deliver the results you seek. Our diverse network of specialists gives us the flexibility to assemble exactly the right team to help you achieve your goals.

More about consulting & interim