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€3995,00 €2.995,00 per person (excl. 21% VAT)


3 x 2 days program, 2 x 2h Zoom progress sessions, Base of Wisdom (e-library) and extra materials 


3 x 2 days of live training, 6 week program


Anja-Verheij-Köllmann, Bert Regeer, Jean François Cancel


Luka Vethake (

Discover your personal drive

This program will encourage you as a leader to search your soul for issues close to your heart that you would love to tackle as a personal goal in addition to your responsibility to the company. We help you look at what drives and energizes you. So is it your heart’s desire that your country does everything to prevent child labor from happening? Let's dive into the system of stakeholders, NGOs and politics to develop a plan for 2033. Let’s start the dialogue by addressing the issue. But start now.

Design connections and stakeholder dialogue

Creating effective stakeholder management requires engaging in true dialogue with all stakeholders, from governments to suppliers, from NGOs to competitors.

"The best way to minimize disagreement is to make sure that all stakeholders are in the room." - Cheryl Yeoh

True dialogue requires identifying your most relevant stakeholders and mapping them in a way to help you solve your ESG challenges. Your next step is to create that human connection – so look each other in the eye and agree on the fact that we are all people who share the same concerns.

We believe that genuine dialogue and intense listening will ensure that you and your stakeholders will start drawing up new rules of the game based on a common conviction that is deeply felt. Truly listening to people never goes without consequences. Connection is more than meeting physically. The creation of true connections requires each and everyone’s audacity to create a solution, make things happen and have the will to fix the issue.

Develop actions and sparks

By igniting the sparks and multiplying the action, the drive for positive change becomes an unstoppable force that will make things happen.

We believe that creating compelling stories, engaging with the right audience and celebrating with true intentions can and will create magic.

In this six-day training, you will work with us to find your drive. To achieve this, we will look at the stakeholders who will make a difference, we will set up your dialogues, and we will challenge you to not only engage in creating connections, but also to lead based on these connections and your vision of the future.

€3995,00 €2.995,00


How to Excel at Strategic Stakeholder Management

 Anyone aiming to be a leader in times of transition must embrace two things: staying upright in the here and now and working step by step on a system change that ensures that your company continues to operate responsibly in ten years' time. It’s your decision as a leader to make, day in, day out – leading the way based on what you think is really important.

  • How do I make sure that my social impact idea will fly?
  • How does my idea get a worldwide scalable foothold and how do I raise enough awareness for my idea?
  • And above all, how do I make sure I won't let anyone stop me from thinking big?

Discover your personal drive

This program will encourage you as a leader to dive in your personal values, drives and purpose. You will - together with your trainers, Young Impact makers and your peers- look at societal issues and discuss how to make a change. You will sharpen your stories and discover imagery that creates impact.

  • What impact do I want to make for a sustainable world in 2025, 2030 and 2050?
  • How can I positively contribute to societal issues?

Develop connections

Connections will elevate your impact. Creating effective stakeholder management requires engaging in dialogue with relevant stakeholders, from governments to NGOs to (social) influencers.

We believe that dialogue and listening will ensure that you and your stakeholders will start drawing up new rules of the game based on a common conviction. Developing connections implies the audacity to create a solution and the will to fix the issue.

  • How can I make a difference for stakeholder management in my organization?
  • Who should I join to team up for greater change?
  • How do I engage and create an effective dialogue with stakeholders?

Deliver actions and impact

By igniting the sparks and multiplying the action, the drive for positive change becomes unstoppable. We believe that creating compelling stories, engaging with the right audience and celebrating with true intentions can and will create magic.

  • What actions can I undertake to make real impact?
  • How do I create an impactful and actionable plan?

Make that Change?

In this six-day training we will find your purpose together. We will look at the stakeholders who can make a difference, we will set up dialogues, we will challenge each other to have you do your homework by not only making connections, but also by leading according to these connections and your vision of the future.

After this program you have developed a tailor-made stakeholder and impact plan, which contains the following elements:

  1. Purpose and impact goals: 2025, 2030 and 2050.
  2. Stories and imagery: that create awareness for change.
  3. Stakeholder map: with action matrix and effective stakeholder dialogue
  4. Impact tools: actions fit for your purpose.
  5. Your strategic stakeholder- and impact plan: ready to be rolled out - full of actions - for impact in 2025, 2030 and 2050.

Pick Location, date & time

Select your desired duration

We tailor the program content

We deliver expert trainers

Interested? Contact us below!

Touch base to meet us:

    At a glance:


    Find your personal purpose:
    • Discover your values and personal purpose
    • Creating your stories
    • Leverage societal relevance


    Design your stakeholder strategy:
    • Identify and define your stakeholders
    • Analyze and categorize your stakeholders
    • Design your stakeholder engagement plan


    Starting an effective stakeholder dialogue:
    • Lead difficult stakeholder conversations
    • Ignite sparks across different audiences
    • Develop a long-term stakeholder engagement strategy

    anja verheij-köllmann
    lead trainer

    bert regeer
    lead trainer

    Jean-François Cancel

    Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I may remember,

    involve me and I'll understand.

    Chinese proverb / unknown

    Russell Dunn

    "There are a multitude of trainers and content experts around, but very few are truly able to transfer that knowledge effectively. The Base team has that ability in abundance and delivers in a way that is both engaging and fun. Their enthusiasm, energy and expertise, combined with the effort they put into understanding the needs and culture of the client is the foundation to their success in creating and delivering learning that works."

    Zabna Amer

    "Saskia is a born leader: intuitive by nature, professional, and constantly attuned to others' feelings. In a group setting, she is able to anticipate the needs of the group and each member, and is able to positively influence a wide audience. She is a strong believer in personal development and is always willing to show you how to raise the bar. Working with Saskia improved my learning journey."

    Helène Erftemeijer

    "Still benefiting from your inspirational storytelling workshop. Big ideas are growing and number of fans increasing. Putting your personal tips into daily practice helps us to make extra miles!"

    Chris Worp

    Hans de Jong

    "Anja has a rarely found combination of high professionalism and seemingly unconstrained energy and drive. She is creative, fast and adapts quickly to unexpected situations maintaining her calm and professional composure. I strongly recommend her."

    Ruzaliya Zainutdinova

    "Saskia provided a lively training on consulting services, public presentation, and public speaking skills during my master’s program on International Communication Management at the Hague University of Applied Sciences. It was an eye-opening experience to learn from such a professional. Saskia is coaching in a clear, understandable, and easy way. I recommend her master classes to anyone who wants to master such skills within a short period of time."

    Jacqueline Gearhart

    "Anja is one of the best lecturers I have had the pleasure of studying under. She offers expertise in reputation management, intercultural communication, and leadership development through training initiatives and applicable techniques. I highly recommend her not merely as a student but to anyone who wants to enhance their communication skills. Her expertise is invaluable, allowing you to retain the information taught long after your time with her has ended."

    Saskia Hofman

    "They are great trainers, facilitators and coaches. The storytelling workshop was very inspiring, hands on, refreshing and sparkling because of the trainers."

    Roger Karner

    "I did work with Saskia in 2016 to further improve my communication skills, especially on stage, talking to a big audience. She is super motivating and clear on instructions how to improve and create a even bigger impact. Most impressive to me has been her ability to provide me feedback on videos of mine in german language - which she do not speak, but her feedback was spot on and I could learn and improve. Thank you Saskia and all the best, Roger"

    Ingrid Balogh

    "Whatever they do, they do it in a big way. The energy and vitality of their presence take you to places you have not been before. With the way they are, naturally and creatively, Saskia and Anja have a huge capacity to inspire and support people into manifesting their bigger self and bigger purpose. If you want to work with someone who has no fear of stepping into the unknown, who is able to dance with joy on a single rope 20 meters above ground, who disrupts the status quo with ease and grace for the sake of the vision she has for you, who will challenge you to step up in every possible way and has the capacity to hold you in your journey, Saskia and Anja are your best choice!"